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New to READING RHYTHMS in music?

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Two new video-clips designed to help with the process of starting from scratch. The Intro A clip is designed for absolute beginners and the second for very early stage students. That said, they may also be useful for revision and for folks returning to study after a long break. These videos are best viewed at the highest resolution available to you. If you are unhappy with the clarity of the picture you might try re-sizing or choosing a different quality setting. Look for the 'change quality icon' (the cog-wheel) in the bottom right-hand corner of the You-Tube Screen. You may need to press the 'Watch on You-Tube' button.


  Sheet No. Hints Sheet No. Hints
Sight-reading is a key skill for any serious student of music. So often, it's 'timing' that causes problems. These exercises allow you to focus on that element - separate from pitch. This is not a substitute for 'pitch-based' sight-reading - it is intended as a strengthening resource.  Intro A Whole-notes
halves and quarters
...and just a few
 RR 7  Introducing
compound time.
 Intro B  RR 8  Introducing 16ths
 RR 1  Purely 4/4 time.  RR 9  A mixed bag.
EACH SHEET HAS FOUR  '2-part'  EXERCISES  RR 2  Purely 3/4 time.  RR 10  Includes a
'one-handed' challenge.
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 RR 3  Introducing 2/4.  RR 11 What a difference
a pulse makes!
 RR 4   RR 12 A mixed bag.
 RR 5  A mixed bag.  RR 13  Includes a tougher
'one-handed' challenge.
 RR 6  Introducing ties
and accents.
 RR 14 A few exercises




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