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students getting to grips with note-values and rhythms.


Thank You - to all of our regular visitors... and welcome to those browsing here for the first time.

The exercises below are provided in .pdf (Acrobat format) for both PC & Mac users.
They are intended as a support for teachers using  Keyboard Express,  but should
be useful to any music teacher looking for sight-reading exercises.

The exercises are arranged in four groups of increasing difficulty.


For a guide to what is included in each section, click on the red links provided above each table.

These groupings correspond to no particular established system - it's just a way to help visitors find their way around.  The terms, 'Single' and 'Grand' refer to the staves offered. Single stave examples could also be used for string and wind instruments or even for singing at sight. Grand Stave is a term often used to describe piano music laid out on two connected staves. Examples marked (LS) are printed in Landscape.
First Steps   (click HERE for details)   Early Stages   (click HERE for  details)  
Sheet No. Staves Sheet No. Staves   Sheet No. Staves Sheet No. Staves
 FS 1   8 Single  FS 11  6 Single 2 Grand  Ely 1  8 Single  Ely 11  4 Grand (LS)
 FS 2  8 Single  FS 12  6 Single 2 Grand  Ely 2  8 Single  Ely 12  4 Grand (LS)
 FS 3  8 Single  FS 13  6 Grand  Ely 3  4 single 3 Grand  Ely 13  4 Grand (LS)
 FS 4  8 Single  FS 14  6 Grand  Ely 4  4 single 3 Grand  Ely 14  4 Grand (LS)
 FS 5  6 Single 2 Grand  FS 15  6 Grand  Ely 5  4 single 3 Grand  Ely 15  4 Grand (LS)
 FS 6  6 Single 2 Grand  FS 16  6 Grand  Ely 6  4 single 3 Grand  Ely 16  4 Grand (LS)
 FS 7  6 Single 2 Grand  FS 17  6 Grand  Ely 7  4 single 3 Grand  Ely 17  6 Grand
 FS 8  6 Single 2 Grand  FS 18  6 Grand  Ely 8  4 single 3 Grand  Ely 18  6 Grand
 FS 9  6 Single 2 Grand  FS 19  6 Grand  Ely 9  4 Grand (LS)  Ely 19  6 Grand
 FS10  6 Single 2 Grand  FS 20  6 Grand  Ely 10  4 Grand (LS)  Ely 20  6 Grand
Intermediate   (click HERE for details)   Advanced   (click HERE for details)  
Sheet No. Exercises Sheet No. Exercises   Sheet No. Exercises Sheet No. Exercises
 Int 1   6 Grand  Int 7  3 Grand    Adv 1  4 Grand

Adv 7

2 Grand
 Int 2  3 Grand  Int 8  3 Grand    Adv 2  3 Grand

Adv 8

3 Grand
 Int 3  4 Grand (LS) Int 9  3 Grand    Adv 3  2 Grand

Adv 9

2 Grand (LS)
 Int 4  4 Grand (LS)  Int 10  3 Grand    Adv 4  2 Grand

Adv 10 

2 Grand (LS)
 Int 5  4 Grand (LS)  Int 11  3 Grand    Adv 5  2 Grand (LS)

Adv 11 

3 Grand
 Int 6  4 Grand (LS)  Int 12  4 Grand    Adv 6  2 Grand (LS)

Adv 12 

2 Grand
          Advanced + Bach Chorales


       A 320 & 204  B 138 & 42
           C  102 & 170    

(As numbered in the Reimenschneider catalogue)

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through the soundswell
 freedownloads  page or by followingthe link below.


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You will be able to select options from there.

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